

Bonjour Roses! ✿

Today I finally finished the last of my midterm exams! Hooray! And the best part is that I recieved A's on all but one, which I don't know the grade for yet~ I will find out tomorrow morning how I did on that one.
✿ I say its definitly time for some celebratory tea!! ✿
♪ Today is a good day! Though of course comparing it to yesterday doesn't say too much...

Yesterday was just one of those days. You know the kind where every single thing you try to do falls through and finds a way to end up horribley wrong and at every turn you get stuck into uncomfortable situations followed by mountains of stress and no lunch.. X_x yeah one of those days haha I think I'm going to go take a nap now...

The picture up there is from San Diego~ yay! I liked that place a lot... ♥ ♥

Perhaps I will write to you all later today~But if not have a wonderful day Roses! ♥

Until Next Time,

Adieu, Adieu

-Yuki ♪ ♥ ♥


Pumpkin Spice Coffee~

Bonjour Roses!

So I have a little treat for you~ Here is an excerpt from the first chapter of "Conversations Over Tea" Be gentle with criticism please~ XP haha it is just the begining after all and as we all know with time it will be wonderfully better ^__^

"It was fall, and I could see through the high barred windows that the leaves were just starting to turn that golden hue I so loved. I gleefully awaited the days to come, when the warden would open the high barred windows and let in the cool and scented breezes of autumn. The way the chilled air tickles your lungs when you breathe is one of life’s most refreshing feelings I believe, and I‘m sure the doctors understand how helpful it is in making the long days here perhaps not feel quite so long.

That’s why they do it. It must be.

Not to mention that the humid hell lingering in these rooms wreaks havoc on the lungs, and the dryness of the fall air is relieving and in its own way preventative of disease I’m sure.

That’s why they do it. It must be…"

Today I bought this creamer for my coffee called Pumpkin Spice. I would wager that if there was such a thing as mouth heaven I had a taste of it today... Go buy some its FANTASTIC! ^0^

Well I'm off to the Game. Have a wonderful night Roses~

Until Next Time,

Adieu Adieu,

-Yuki ♪ ♥ ♥



Bonjour Roses!

Recently I have been really into the movie Thumbelina... Laugh if you will but it makes me happy inside~ ha You know that fuzzy feeling where your brain kind of melts into a warm blob of happy? Its like that .... (´・ω・`)I want my own Prince Cornelius! ☆ I have a poster on the ceiling above my bed too! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Let me be Your wiiiiings~~!!! la la laaaa ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Thumbelina Pictures, Images and Photos

So Yesterday I got a fish. I was missing having something to take care and my friend had a tank he didn't want so I got Prince Einaar and his trusty algae eating warrior Sir Olaf! They seem happy in their bubbly litte viking paradise ♥ ♥ I suppose I should get out of the habit of calling him Princy poo as that may be putting a damper on his masculinity... hm...
I think I want to be a Rose Bush for Halloween...

So when I images searched Thumbelina I kept getting pictures of this weird naked little possum thing... and a bunch of midget horses O_o weird...

Any idea what it is???

Until Next Time,

Adieu Adieu,

-Yuki ♪ ♥ ♥


Today Feels like Fall~~

Bonjour Roses!!!

Long time no talk~♥♥

I don't know why I don't post here more often, I just get caught up and busy I guess~ ha

Things have been interesting here in the life of Yuki, changes that whether for better or worse have been happening. I'm still trying to decide a lot of things and it seems to me like never before in my life have I been faced with so many complicated dilemas... I suppose eventually it happens to everyone myself being no exception, and now being my turn :/ Life. What a fun fun thing.

I went to San Diego last weekend and had a jolly old time! ✿ It was chilly out but the beach was still gorgeous and fun. I love my friends and all their random nonsense too~ I will say being off for college has blessed me with a plethera of new and wonderful people that as a whole just really make me happy! *^_____^*

*does a little dance* ♫♫♫♫

♫ Today it really felt like fall. Its a tad colder and the air just has that smell to it. You know the smell where the air stays cold as you breathe it and you can tell things are starting to wither for the winter? Maybe I'm bad with explaining...Regardless it smells like Fall! The leaves aren't really turning yet which is odd since its October but I things are different here in happy desert land than I was used to before... I look forward to being able to wear jackets again, as odd as it is that makes me happy. I love cold weather. I hope it rains soon here.... ✿

I have been told I should get vaccinated for H1N1, but it seems every clinic I go to is out or busy or scares the hell out of me... and I hate needles so this is going to suck. A large amount of my friends and people I know actually have been diagnosed with Swine Flu and its begining to push a feeling of slight urgency on me with this vaccine... why did God invent diseases that mean I need needles.??? Sad days in Yuki land... ;__;

Well I miss all my friends back in the 505~ But good news is I get to go home next friday for the weekend! I hope I can see you all there my Roses! ✿♫♥

I can't wait for Halloween! I think I want to be..... hm... I don't know yet~ Get back to you later on that...

Until Next Time~

Adieu Adieu,

-Yuki ♥ ♥


Rest in Peace Jasmine My Love~

♥The World has suffered a great loss- Where Versailles will go from here we can only wait to see...

♥My heart is broken and it hurts more than words can say.

♥Be at peace with the Angels now my Rose~

♥I will forever keep you in my heart~

-Yuki ♥♥♥♥♥♥


Oh the Pain~~

I have a blister the size of Texas on the ball of my left foot...

thanks fo my Kamijo of Versailles cosplay...

it hurts...

a lot...

I'll post some blogs soon all about the anime expo trip~~ ^_^

Have a wonderful day Roses,




Sometimes I begin to lose hope in mankind...

Tonight I have become aware of the plethera of idiots in this world who can't tell the difference in a Rose and a Carnation....

This is a Rose.

This is not. It is a Carnation...

Seriously people.....

Should we really be having this conversation????

I am so ashamed...

I want some tea... damnit why is it so late..... -_-
Adieu Roses~
-Yuki ♥~


✿*゚‘゚・◦♫♥♪ Small Cosplay Dilema~ :/

I need to make these wings.....

only with three of them instead of just two. and honestly I'm not sure how. -_-
This is to complete my Rosiel Cosplay (From Angel Sanctuary). I finally got my shorts back haha XD so my cosplay in mostly finished. I have found a place to but bulk white 14'' turkey feathers to use but I guess my question is whether to buy a set of wings and alter them with longer feathers or to try and construct the wings from scratch. And if I were to choose the later.... how do I go about doing that? haha XD
..... I also have to fix my garters..... darnit......
Bonsior Roses,
-Yuki <3


Rest in Peace~

Ever Free!~

No matter how many people wish to mourn on this day to me it means something else. Instead of thinking only of his death its time to think of his life, his music, his message. Although he is no longer with us, we will keep him alive forever through his music. So, instead of wallowing in his loss today, break out the Pink LemonADE and jam out to CELEBRATION! >0<>

We'll never forget youPink Spider, Pink FriendYou live on in our heartsAnd you will to the end!!!


Hide Pictures, Images and Photos

hide Forever in our hearts~Let the Music live on!




A Mad Tea Party~

Bonjour Roses! ♪

These last months have truly been a Mad Tea Party~ -( X_x )-

And somehow it literally has been!~ I spent the last weekend in L.A. and took a lovely trip over to disney~ ♥♥♥ I bought some lovely tea cups and a hanfdul of hilarious "mad tea party" teas. Alice, The Hatter and Myself had quite a time~ haha I love silly rides and people is ridiculous outfits!~

Thankfully in a few weeks I will graduate an the rest of this mad tea party (if thats what we're calling it) will finally be over. Its amazing how much of game it is to play with teachers passing the cups and moving from seat to seat just trying to stay up with the conversations on hand and try one's best not fall lost into rabbit hole past means of catching up again. Faces must be perfect and like any elegant tea party every word must be laid in place correctly. But soon it will be over.~~~Thank God!!

May 14th could not be here fast enough.

Then on to bigger and better things.~☆☆☆

So tell me everyone, what are your plans for the summer time? Going anywhere fun, doing anything exciting?

As for my plans, I will be volunteering at A-Kon 20 this year, and also as Anime Expo. I would love to meet up with everyone so let me know if you'll be there. I'm working on some pretty fun cosplays as well. ⊂( ゚ヮ゚)⊃

Kamijo~The Revenant Choir

Rosiel~Angel Sanctuary (artbook and manga)

Toshiya~ 304 Goushitsu Hakushi no Sakura

Kyoko~Skip Beat

Utena~Shojo Kakumei Utena

Relena~Gundam Wing

Aya~ Weiss Kruez

This last weekend I saw the ocean for the very first time. It was fantastic, not to mention the weather was great and the water wasn't too cold. ^0^ Although the waves seemed to hold a vendeta against me as I got swept multiple times and at one point, I bent over to pick up a shell and was slapped by one! haha it was much fun until the crab found me. (>_<)o I wasn't watching and I tripped over it and it attacked me. (I'm sure it didn't appreciate me stepping on it) I also found a dead crab, lots of shells, a seewead and a live clam that for some reason I felt the need to take with me. It is sitting in a bottle of ocean water and sand, most likely dying in my windowsill. I feel bad that its going to die because of me, but alas, I am in the desert and can't exactly put it back in the ocean. ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Disneyland was fun! ^_^ It was a miracle I didn't stab someone at Six Flags. And the concert was very well done. We played well and had fun~ also won (just saying....) haha Overall a good trip. ^_^ I love L.A. and can't wait to go to school there! >0<>downer Pictures, Images and Photos

OH, some advice please. A certain person who has asked to be my escort for a dance hasn't spoken to me in months and didn't answer last time I tried to talk to him. Should I go alone, or not go at all? Tis a puzzle....

This little thing is very strange to me... O_O

Teacup Pictures, Images and Photos

This spring has been crazy, my own mad tea party and lets hope I make it out of the rabbit hole soon~~~ And then, will you join me for my own tea party? I miss you all very much roses. This summer will be a party to remember! ♥♪ ♥ So please join me~~ o(>w<)o

Colorful Rose Pictures, Images and Photos

Adieu Roses,

-Yuki ♥♪ ♥♥♪ ♥


Repo The Genetic Opera~

Was brilliant~ I very much enjoyed it and if you haven't seen it yet you definitley should! And of course produced by a brilliant man~ Yoshiki you never cease to amaze me. ☆☆☆☆

In other news, I am working on much fun and adventure this summer. ^_^ I hope to see you all at a few cons and concerts. At the current moment I will be at A Kon 20, Anime Expo, and SWACE. Lots of fun cosplays are on their way and I'm very excited to see everyone again.

Oh! ⊂( ゚ヮ゚)⊃ And I will be in Durango Colorado this upcoming weekend. ^_^ I should have some time off on friday and I'm planning on wandering around down town on main street. Well that all should be fun~ I'll tell you all about it when I get back~♥ ♥ ♥



-Yuki ♥♪ ♥


One of those special moments~

♥ Oh dear, today I made a silly mistake. haha ヽ(´ー`)ノ I logged into my email this afternoon to respond to messages and decided it would be cool to update my blog. So I clicked the link to Google blogs, and found that I apparently had no blog. Confused and rather disgruntled, I sat down and created a new one, wondering all the while what horrid fate had befallen my old blogs. I finished everything up, closed the window went and got myself a glass of milk, sat back down and logged into my blog again. More confusion hit when I discovered my old blogs in perfect preservation, but no trace of the one I had just created. I gave it a moment or two's thought and then suddenly remembered, I was logged into a different email address when I had tried to check my blog, and that was why no blogs appeared. haha~~ Laugh if you will, because I did too, but I figure that since this is the email address I check the most these days, it is probably best that I not delete this blog. Well loves, I hope that gave you a giggle~~ ♥ ♥
Oh, and isn't that a pretty flower up top? I wonder what it is called. (´・ω・`)
-Yuki ♥♪ ♥

A Wonder...~

I saw this and could not help but wonder how exactly how those rocks stay up. Unless they are superglued together or are super magnetic (which I doubt) I can't help but think that if I breathed wrong around them they would fall. (O.o)

Good Advice~

No. It is in fact not a good idea to eat poison cupcakes. :(
-Yuki ♥♪ ♥