
Today Feels like Fall~~

Bonjour Roses!!!

Long time no talk~♥♥

I don't know why I don't post here more often, I just get caught up and busy I guess~ ha

Things have been interesting here in the life of Yuki, changes that whether for better or worse have been happening. I'm still trying to decide a lot of things and it seems to me like never before in my life have I been faced with so many complicated dilemas... I suppose eventually it happens to everyone myself being no exception, and now being my turn :/ Life. What a fun fun thing.

I went to San Diego last weekend and had a jolly old time! ✿ It was chilly out but the beach was still gorgeous and fun. I love my friends and all their random nonsense too~ I will say being off for college has blessed me with a plethera of new and wonderful people that as a whole just really make me happy! *^_____^*

*does a little dance* ♫♫♫♫

♫ Today it really felt like fall. Its a tad colder and the air just has that smell to it. You know the smell where the air stays cold as you breathe it and you can tell things are starting to wither for the winter? Maybe I'm bad with explaining...Regardless it smells like Fall! The leaves aren't really turning yet which is odd since its October but I things are different here in happy desert land than I was used to before... I look forward to being able to wear jackets again, as odd as it is that makes me happy. I love cold weather. I hope it rains soon here.... ✿

I have been told I should get vaccinated for H1N1, but it seems every clinic I go to is out or busy or scares the hell out of me... and I hate needles so this is going to suck. A large amount of my friends and people I know actually have been diagnosed with Swine Flu and its begining to push a feeling of slight urgency on me with this vaccine... why did God invent diseases that mean I need needles.??? Sad days in Yuki land... ;__;

Well I miss all my friends back in the 505~ But good news is I get to go home next friday for the weekend! I hope I can see you all there my Roses! ✿♫♥

I can't wait for Halloween! I think I want to be..... hm... I don't know yet~ Get back to you later on that...

Until Next Time~

Adieu Adieu,

-Yuki ♥ ♥

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